Physics Practicals Class 11

Relationship between Angle of Inclination and Force

  • Teach science experiments in a gamified way
  • Boost conceptual clarity and knowledge retention
  • Aligned with National Education Policy 2020
  • Helpful in getting NAAC accreditation
  • CBSE, ICSE, and state boards aligned curricula
  • Engaging simulations with easy-to-teach instructions

About Simulation

  • Through the simulation, you will gain a conceptual understanding of friction, the angle of inclination, and downward force, enabling you to grasp these concepts more effectively.
  • You will comprehend the correlation between the angle of inclination and force, recognizing its significance and practical implications in both everyday life and mechanical systems.
  • At the end of this experiment, you will possess a clear conceptual grasp of downward force, the angle of inclination, and rolling friction, enhancing your knowledge in these areas.
  • You will be empowered to explore the relationship between the angle of inclination and force, allowing for a deeper understanding of this fundamental principle.

Physics Practical Class

  • After completing the experiment, you can delve into the rationale behind the design of escalators for each floor, facilitating a comprehensive investigation into this aspect of mechanical engineering.

Simulation Details

Duration – 30 Minutes
Easily Accessible
Languages – Odia & English
Platforms – Android & Windows


Physics Practical Class

A roller of mass (m) is placed on an inclined plane making an angle (θ) with the horizontal. Normal force is acting upward to the inclined surface. Garvitational force mg acts on roller in the downward direction. The weights on the pan are hung with thread while the other end is attached to the mass through the pulley fixed at the top of the inclined plane.
The normal force acting on the roller is given by,
N=mg cos⁡θ

If the angle of inclined is greater than the angle of repose, such that the velocity v with which the roller slide down the incline, then

Physics Practical Class

We assume that there is no friction. So, µ_r mg cos⁡θ becomes zero. Hence,
F=mg sin⁡θ

If the total tension W1<W, the roller moves down and W2>W, roller moves upward.

Then the downward force acting on the roller along the inclined plane will be W=(W1+W2)/2 which must be equal to the mg sin⁡θ.
For constant mass, m


Requirements for this Science Experiment

  • Pan
  • Inclined plane with protractor
  • Thread
  • Forceps
  • Weight box
  • Roller

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