Physics Practicals Class 9

Archimedes’ Principle

  • Teach science experiments in a gamified way
  • Boost conceptual clarity and knowledge retention
  • Aligned with National Education Policy 2020
  • Helpful in getting NAAC accreditation
  • CBSE, ICSE, and state boards aligned curricula
  • Engaging simulations with easy-to-teach instructions

About Simulation

  • The simulation offers an immersive experience exploring Archimedes' Principle.
  • Users engage in interactive experiments replicating scenarios related to buoyancy and fluid displacement.
  • Concepts such as buoyant force, submerged volume, and object weight in fluids are demonstrated through virtual experimentation.
  • Users can manipulate variables such as object shape, density, and fluid type to observe their effects on buoyancy.
  • Real-time feedback and visualizations aid in understanding the principles behind buoyancy and Archimedes' discovery.

Physics Practical Class

  • The simulation provides a virtual lab environment where users can conduct experiments akin to those performed in a physical setting.
  • Through hands-on exploration, users gain a deeper understanding of how objects behave when immersed in fluids, aligning with Archimedes' groundbreaking observations.

Simulation Details

Duration – 30 Minutes
Easily Accessible
Languages – Odia & English
Platforms – Android & Windows


What does Archimedes’ Principle state?

The principle states that: “A body immersed in a liquid loses weight by an amount equal to the weight of the liquid displaced.”

Archimedes’ principle also states that: “When a body is immersed in a liquid, an upward thrust, equal to the weight of the liquid displaced, acts on it.”

Thus, when a solid is fully immersed in a liquid, it loses weight, which is equal to the weight of the liquid it displaces.

Weight of the solid in the air – weight of solid when immersed in liquid = Loss in weight of the solid

Loss in weight of the solid = Weight of the liquid displaced

The higher the density of the liquid in which the solid is immersed then less weight of the liquid is displaced on immersing the solid.

Does a body float?
Some bodies, if dropped in water, sink, such as a stone or a metallic needle. On the other hand, some bodies, even of the same weight as that of those that sink, float on water. This can be proved through the Laws of Flotation.

What does the Law of Flotation state?
A body will float if the weight of the body is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced.
If the weight of the immersed body is more than the weight of the water displaced, the body will sink.

Requirements for this Science Experiment

  • Tap water
  • Salt water
  • Overflow can
  • Graduated beaker
  • Weighing balance
  • Wooden base
  • Rectangular copper block
  • Salt
  • Spring balance

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