Chemistry Practicals Class 10

Physical Properties of Metals

  • Teach science experiments in a gamified way
  • Boost conceptual clarity and knowledge retention
  • Aligned with National Education Policy 2020
  • Helpful in getting NAAC accreditation
  • CBSE, ICSE, and state boards aligned curricula
  • Engaging simulations with easy-to-teach instructions

About Simulation

  • Through this simulation, you will explore the physical properties of metals like Fe, Al, Cu, and Mg in an interactive virtual environment. By engaging with the simulation, you can investigate the characteristics of these metals without the need for physical samples.
  • You can investigate and compare the metallic lustre of Fe, Al, Cu, and Mg metals as part of the simulation.
  • By virtually conducting hardness tests, you can evaluate the resistance of Fe, Al, Cu, and Mg metals to deformation, enhancing your understanding of their mechanical properties.
  • Throughout the simulation, you can explore and assess the malleability and ductility of Fe, Al, Cu, and Mg metals.

Chemistry Practical Class

  • By participating in the simulation, you can conduct experiments to test the electrical conductivity of these metals. Through interactive exercises, you will be able to measure and compare the conductivity of Fe, Al, Cu, and Mg metals.

Simulation Details

Duration – 30 Minutes
Easily Accessible
Languages – Odia & English
Platforms – Android & Windows


A metal is defined as an element that can quickly form positive ions called cations and tends to form metallic bonds. Metals are characterized by their chemical and physical properties, such as malleability, ductility, ionization and bonding properties, etc.

Examples of metals include copper, silver, iron, mercury, lead, aluminium, gold, platinum, zinc, nickel, and tin.

Physical Properties of Metals:

  1. Lustre: Metals exhibit a characteristic metallic lustre, which refers to their shiny appearance when polished or freshly cut. This lustre arises due to the reflection of light by the free electrons on the metal surface.
  2. Malleability: Metals can be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without breaking. This property is called malleability and is due to the ability of metal atoms to slide past each other when subjected to pressure.
  3. Ductility: Metals can be drawn into thin wires without fracturing. This property, known as ductility, results from the orderly arrangement of metal atoms, allowing them to be drawn into long, thin wires.
  4. Conductivity: Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. This property arises from the presence of free electrons that can move through the metal lattice, allowing the transfer of heat or electricity.
  5. Density: Metals generally have high densities. Common metals like iron, copper, and lead are denser compared to non-metals owing to their closely packed atomic structures.
  6. Melting and Boiling Points: Metals typically have high melting and boiling points. This characteristic is due to the strong metallic bonds between metal atoms, requiring significant energy to break these bonds.
  7. Sonorous: Metals produce a characteristic ringing sound when struck, known as Sonorousness. This property is due to the vibrations of metal particles when hit, creating a clear sound.
  8. Thermal Expansion: Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled. This property of thermal expansion is useful in various applications, from designing structures to manufacturing.

The physical properties of metals make them crucial materials in various industries. Their malleability, conductivity, and other properties make metals essential for construction, manufacturing, electrical wiring, and technological advancements.

Watch this video to learn more about chemistry.

Requirements for this Science Experiment

  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Aluminium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron block
  • Hammer
  • Knife
  • Bulb
  • Sandpaper
  • Battery
  • Plug Key
  • Connecting wires

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