Chemistry Practicals Class 10

Model of the Modern Periodic Table

  • Teach science experiments in a gamified way
  • Boost conceptual clarity and knowledge retention
  • Aligned with National Education Policy 2020
  • Helpful in getting NAAC accreditation
  • CBSE, ICSE, and state boards aligned curricula
  • Engaging simulations with easy-to-teach instructions

About Simulation

  • Engaging with the simulation for the Periodic Table module, you will immerse yourself in an immersive and interactive experience designed to explore the history, structure, and properties of chemical elements.
  • By exploring various elements and their properties, you will gain valuable insights into the organization and significance of the Periodic Table in modern chemistry.
  • You will understand the historical development of the Periodic Table, including the contributions made by notable figures such as Mendeleev and Moseley.
  • By engaging with the simulation, you can identify and differentiate between various classification attempts, such as Dobereiner's Triads and Newland's Octaves. Through comparative analysis, you will understand the strengths and limitations of these early classification systems, deepening your knowledge of periodic trends.

Chemistry Practical Class

  • By exploring the arrangement of elements within the Periodic Table, you will grasp the underlying principles governing periodicity and the relationships between elements.

Simulation Details

Duration – 30 Minutes
Easily Accessible
Languages – Odia & English
Platforms – Android & Windows


The modern periodic table is developed after the periodic law and a periodic table given by Mendeleev. In the latter part of the 18th century, Mendeleev made his periodic table. Scientists did not know about the internal structure of the atom back then.

The development of various atomic models and advances in quantum theory revealed that the atomic number is the most basic property of a chemical element. This led to the modification of Mendeleev’s periodic law, which is today called as modern periodic law.

Modern Periodic Law:
The modern Periodic law can be stated as:

“The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers”.

The Modern Periodic Table
The present form of the periodic table that is widely used across the globe is the long form of the periodic table. In this form of a periodic table, the horizontal rows are called periods, and the vertical columns are known as the groups.

1) Noble gas elements:
Elements of group 18 of the modern periodic table are considered noble gases. The electronic configuration of the first element (helium) of this group is 1s2. Rest all the elements (neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon) have their outer shell electronic configuration is ns2np6. As the octet of these elements is complete, hence they are highly stable elements.

2) Representative elements:
S-lock and P-block elements come under the category of representative elements. Elements in groups 1 and 2 are known as the s – s-block elements (elements with 1s2 and 2s2 outermost configuration). Groups 13-17 are known as the p-block elements (outermost configuration varies from ns2np1 to ns2np5).

3) Transition elements:
Elements that belong to groups 3 to 12 and have their outer shell electronic configuration as (n-1)d1-10ns1-2 are referred to as transition elements. These elements are also known as the d-block elements.

4) Inner transition elements:
Lanthanides and actinides series, which fall at the bottom of the periodic table, come under the category of inner transition elements. In these elements, the 4f and 5f orbitals are partially filled, rendering them special properties.

Watch this video to learn more about chemistry.

Requirements for this Science Experiment

  • Mendeleev’s periodic table
  • Modern periodic table

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