Chemistry Practicals Class 9

Experiment on Static Electricity

  • Teach science experiments in a gamified way
  • Boost conceptual clarity and knowledge retention
  • Aligned with National Education Policy 2020
  • Helpful in getting NAAC accreditation
  • CBSE, ICSE, and state boards aligned curricula
  • Engaging simulations with easy-to-teach instructions

About Simulation

  • In this simulation, you will understand the concept of static electricity and understand its relevance in daily life.
  • You will perform various methods of generating static electricity using readily available materials such as a comb, glass rod, silk cloth, and balloon, enhancing your knowledge of electrostatic phenomena and their practical applications.
  • Engage in hands-on activities designed to elucidate the principles of electrostatic charging, allowing you to witness the attraction and repulsion of charged objects.
  • Experiment with different materials and techniques to observe the generation and behaviour of static electricity, providing you with practical experience and deepening your understanding of electrostatic phenomena.

Chemistry Practical Class

  • Develop skills in controlling and manipulating static charges, empowering you to apply this knowledge in various contexts, from household tasks to scientific experiments.

Simulation Details

Duration – 30 Minutes
Easily Accessible
Languages – Odia & English
Platforms – Android & Windows


What is an electric charge?

Atoms are the building blocks of the universe. Whatever you see around it can be divided into smaller and smaller parts until you finally reach a part you cannot divide further. This building block is what we call an atom. Inside an atom are protons, electrons, and neutrons. Out of the three, electrons and protons fit the definition of an electric charge. The protons are positively charged, the electrons are negatively charged, and the neutrons are neutral.

A majority of the mass of the atom is concentrated in a very tiny space in the centre called the nucleus, and the electrons revolve around this heavy nucleus.

This means that electrons are held very loosely compared to protons. Therefore, the movement of charges here will be restricted to the movement of electrons. The charge of one proton is equal in strength to the charge of one electron. When the number of protons in an atom equals the number of electrons, the atom itself has no overall charge; it is neutral.

Static Electricity

Static electricity refers to an imbalance between the electric charges in a body, specifically the imbalance between the negative and the positive charges on a body.

For example, rubbing a glass rod with silk which causes static electricity. When two objects are rubbed together to create static electricity, one object gives up electrons and becomes more positively charged, while the other material collects electrons and becomes more negatively charged. We should keep in mind that rules such as like charges repel and unlike charges attract are applicable here.

If you bring a used comb close to small pieces of paper, you will see that the comb attracts the pieces of paper. The comb loses electrons while rubbing your hair, and this charge imbalance creates static electricity, which then attracts the small bits of paper.

Requirements for this Science Experiment

Comb Pieces of paper Silk cloth Inflated balloon Glass rod

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